Sunday, April 29, 2018

2 hrs. misc.

Looking into the box of goodies that came back with the panel.  Nicely done SteinAir!

Using the supplied (with the VP-X box) crossover Ethernet cable I connected it to my laptop...

...but, it's not seeing it... :-(  I've emailed SteinAir to see if they connected with the box this way or only via the Garmin G3X (which clearly does see the box).

I don't get tired of playing with this.  I did some simple setup on the Garmin G3X.

The G3X sees the VP-X and the current and voltage measurement matches quite closely with what my desktop supply indicates.

So the rear interior skin doesn't lie flat, so I've sent an email to TAF SA to ask what's what.  I don't think it should bulge out here and....

One of my nosewheel pushrods is missing a "thin nut."  Adding to the short list of hardware I need from TAF CA.

Looks like these covers go here...

Checking out the fitting of the nosewheel pushrods.  I want to get these in now while I still have easier access.

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