Thursday, May 3, 2018

2 hrs. on interior skins.

So, I heard back from the factory regarding how to deal with the misalignment.  Just cleco as much of the holes on the side as possible and match drill the rest.  The bottom holes don't come close and the upper row is off too.  Since this will all get covered up, it's no problem.  The message: Be bold, just get it in there.

Some material will need to be clipped off in the corner because it would block my ability to put in that corner wing bolt.

I'll take off as marked.  It seems to get covered up by the cover that fits in front of the spar, so it's fine.

The factory said the same here: Do what's necessary to make it fit.  So, there were a few areas that need clipping so it can lay flat.

I realized the other day that these eyebolts will need greasing and you do that though a tiny port on the side of the eyebolt.  So, I wondered if I had installed them with that facing up...  Well, it turns out I batted .500...  I got depressed for a minute because I assumed I'd have to completely un-bolt them...

But, then I realized I didn't need to do that!  I can just unscrew the pushrod from the eyebolt and flip it over to grease it.  :-)

Despite thunderstorms passing nearby I managed to prime the right side interior skins.  Once I do the left side over the weekend, I think that will be it for parts that I'll prime for my aircraft.  I think I'll play that catchy tune "Happy." ;-)

This is the soundproofing that came with the kit.  Not nearly as good as the stuff I used up to now, but as a second layer it'll do.

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