Saturday, May 5, 2018

4 hrs. working on the interior skins and 1 hr cleaning up the shop.

Cleco'ing the top two rows so I can match drill the lower row and bottom holes.

Bottom row drilled and cleco'ed so I can match drill the bottom.

Drill, drill drill...

And it comes off to clean up...

Time to put on the soundproofing that came with the kit.

Yes, messy, no, I don't care.  It won't be seen, so this is fine.

Cleco'ed and ready to rivet!

And she's done!

I had trimmed the rear interior skin and the fit is much better.  Still a little here-and-there though.  NOTE: As I understand it, the rear interior skins do not go on until the canopy is on.  Correct me if I'm wrong!

The left side fits better, though I think it will still require match drilling on the bottom.  I'll find out tomorrow when I continue.  I primed this and the rear left side interior skin today after this test fit.

The shop had really become messy lately, so I went on a rampage of obsessive cleaning.  Vacuuming and organizing.  I feel much better. ;-)

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