Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Just .5 hr. contemplating...

The manual shows that rivnuts also go in these two holes, but in thinking about it I realized that the rudder spar will have to slide down into this slot, so better to not install anything that sticks into that path.  After the rudder is on would probably be the time to put in that rivnut.

No picture, but was just thinking further about the remote box arrangement on the sub-panel.  I decided it makes sense, like other builders have done, to build some full size cardboard boxes for all the boxes to mock up the arrangement.  Easier than trying to figure it out with the actual boxes.

As I mentioned, the Rotax manual says the TCU must be mounted inside the cabin, so I'll plan to do that.  Jim also pointed out to me that the Rotax manual also says to mount the waste gate servo motor inside the cabin, so that needs to be figured out.

Time to update my Task List...

BTW, I just realized that I recently passed 1000 hours on the build!  :-)

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