Wednesday, August 29, 2018

1.5 hrs. on the main wheels.

Getting ready to clean and rinse the bearings with mineral spirits and isopropyl alcohol.

After reviewing an EAA video on packing wheel bearings, this is probably too much...  But, not all of it went in anyway...

Bearings packed.  After this photo I wiped down the inside surfaces as they shouldn't have much grease on them.

You need to be careful when you put the bearings in since the rubber seal gets easily caught and is easy to miss unless you're looking for it.  In this picture it's fine.  And, oh, I almost forgot that the disk brake had to be attached here before putting it on the axle (the manual shows the disk, but doesn't mention it).

Both sides on (though not the difficult to insert split pins).  This side though seems to have a very slight wobble, which I assume is not good...  Haven't fully investigated what's causing that.  Anybody seen that?  Thoughts?
After 90 minutes in the 90 F degree (32.2 C) heat, I was dripping and had enough...

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