Friday, August 31, 2018

3.5 hrs. mostly on the main wheels.

EDIT (9/8/2018): I found that when I put the finished spats on the wheel they had to bend around the wheel brackets which made a few of the holes added below not line up properly with the underlying rivnuts.  I suggest just doing the bottom two holes on each side of the spat cover and waiting until it's on the wheel to see where those holes should be drilled.  You can put all the rivnuts in now though.

OK, this is funny.  I forgot that I left out the mineral spirits from the other day...  Seeped through a bit, but didn't spill. :-D

I forgot to put in washers for the screws on the nose wheel.  It shows washers for the screws that connect the spat to the wheel, but doesn't show any (or mention) washers for the screws that connect the halves.  I'll assume I need to add those too.

I figured out the wobble of the left wheel (this is the right)...  I hadn't tightened all the bolts on that wheel... Duh...  So, I had to remove it from the axle and remove the disk to tighten all the bolts.  Now it spins perfectly.  Whew...  Patience is a virtue when building an airplane...

Time to work on the main wheel spats.  We need to attach the cover to the spat.

Clamped down for best fit.

...And taped.

Pilot holes drilled.  Remember to drill in straight, otherwise the holes in the two pieces will be slightly off and we don't want that.

Enlarging the holes and adding cleco's as I go to ensure alignment.

Used my drill-driven manual reamer to carefully enlarge the inside hole to accommodate the M4 rivnuts.  I had already enlarged the outer holes to accommodate the M4 screws.

Don't over-pull the rivnuts.  No more than this.

And it's done!  Tomorrow I'll do the other one and start the process of attaching them to the wheels.

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