Saturday, August 18, 2018

3 hrs. working on the wheels.

M5 rivnuts in.  One side shown.

Removing the 2 bolts from the brake caliper.

Assembling the axle to the right side.

Hmm....  The manual calls for AN4-22 bolts here, but....

Only -23's are supplied and they clearly are too long...  Just when I thought I'd make great progress on the main wheels today...  Despite my extensive supply of bolts, I don't have any AN4's longer than -17's.  Time to browse on over to Aircraft Spruce...  I'll order several sizes around the size required.  Always a good idea to have an inventory of bolts you've independently ordered on hand.

Well, I'll work on the nose wheel instead.  A couple of M5 rivnuts installed.

The bushing on the right came from inside the wheel and the bolt needs to go through it...  VERY tight fit.  OK to screw it on?  Seems to be the only way I'll get that bolt through it.

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