Thursday, August 16, 2018

I heard from a few sources that the main wheel spat brackets I have are the correct, new ones, that don't require their removal to service the brake pads.  That's good news!  So now I can go ahead and get those wheels on (Saturday/Sunday).

I also started looking into whether the standard propeller hub would be OK with an increase in torque/HP since there's a good chance I'll install the Edge Performance fuel injection add-on sometime after it's flying.  I heard directly from Airmaster that it's probably OK with 10% added power, but they'd recommend moving up to the AP430 hub from the default AP332 hub for added margin.  The AP430 hub is what they use for Rotax 915 installations.  I need to do further research before making the final decision.


  1. That's interesting- according to what I can find, the 430 is for up to 120HP vs 115HP for the 332. The other thing that's interesting is the RPM rating- the 914 at 5800 with the PSRU goes down to 2550, which nominally exceeds the 332 (2500 max). Is the price difference between the 332 and the 430 significant? Weight appears to be the same.
