Thursday, September 20, 2018

2 hrs. on the canopy's rear rivet holes.  See the bottom of this post for the remaining items for installing the canopy.

All the holes are now drilled through the backing strip.  Notice that all my drilling is 3.2mm, not the final size of 4mm that I'm making all the holes.  With having to drill twice through these holes, once for the fiberglass and once for the backing strip, the holes are getting slightly enlarged.  But because I'm drilling with a 3.2mm bit, it doesn't matter because I'll be enlarging all of these with a 4mm chucking reamer bit, so they'll be perfect.  Some of the holes in the skin are already 4mm, but for those I'm just drilling in the middle of them with the 3.2mm bit to avoid damaging the holes.

Before I rivet I want to see if there are any more that need to be countersunk rivets (because they go under the parachute blowout cover) and this shows that some of these will need to be.

5 on this side (I think those 2 behind are also marked)...

...and 5 on this side (and the 2 behind).

Tedious process, but the strip is all drilled.  After this I put a dab of RTV between each hole and re-cleco'ed it back in place.  Let that dry overnight and then I can begin the process of reaming the holes out to 4mm.

The list of things remaining to put on the canopy (and the process of putting on the canopy as described by the factory to me):

  1. Ream out rear canopy holes to 4mm and re-cleco.
  2. Drill and ream out the 3 extra rivet holes on both sides where the canopy bends.
  3. Remove canopy from fuselage.
  4. Dimple holes that need it on top rear.
  5. Vacuum inside of fuselage (it's a mess from all the drilling!).
  6. Abrade inside of fuselage skins where the canopy will mate (sides and rear).
  7. Clean aluminum and fiberglass where mating with Sika Aktivator 205.
  8. Apply Sika Primer 206 G+P to aluminum and fiberglass where mating.
  9. Apply a thin bead of Sikaflex 295 UV to the top edge of the aluminum where mating.  Not much is needed since this is for sealing not bonding purposes (the rivets bond!).  Too much and it can cause the skin to bulge out.
  10. Put the canopy back in place and cleco every other hole (make sure there are no gaps in the sealant).
  11. Start riveting!  Make sure to use countersunk rivets where needed on top of rear.
  12. Clean up any stray Sikaflex and pull painter tapes.

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