Saturday, September 22, 2018

7 hrs. installing the canopy.

Reaming out all the holes to 4mm.

Close up of the 3 layers after reaming.

Time to confirm the holes needing dimpling.

I think one more will need dimpling than I determined the other night.

Six on this side.

Adding 2 holes at the bend on both sides.  Marked.

Pilot holes drilled.

And we're ready!

Canopy off...

Checking off the items on my checklist.

Kerry over to help with the whole process.  Thanks Kerry!

Inside abraded with Scotchbrite, cleaned with 205 and primed with 206 G+P.  NOTE #1: Don't put the primer in a plastic cup!  I tried that with a double layer of plastic cup and it ate through those two layers in about a minute!!  :-O
NOTE #2: When you pour out the primer into a not-plastic cup, put the inner seal and cap back on the primer container as quickly as possible - it is moisture activated and will start to dry when exposed.

Fiberglass cleaned and primed (same stuff).  EDIT: See that black on the wood support - that's the spilling primer after it ate through the plastic cups!

The Sikeflex was applied in a thin bead at the inside top of the skin and the canopy was put back in place.  Here it is after the riveting.  I ran my finger along the line to spread the Sikaflex and also manually applied it in places where it wasn't clear that it was completely sealed.

View up the rear rivet line.

And it's done!  No bulging between the rivets.

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