Sunday, September 16, 2018

3 hrs. on the canopy.

Most of the drilling is done, but still need to ream out the rear holes to 4mm.  Had pilot friend Kerry over today to help, because I really needed help with this step.  It's a little more difficult for me to do this alone, because my rear windows are already installed so it's tougher to reach in to hold things in place while I was drilling out the holes.

I used two strips for the rear, one on each side.

Marked the middle of the rear backing strip so that when I was drilling it out (to 3.2mm, not the final 4mm size, which it will be reamed out to once it's glued in place) I would be as close as possible to the middle.

I could see the line through the holes so I knew I wasn't close to the edge of the strip.


Glued with RTV and cleco'ed in place.  Once it's dried I can ream it out to 4mm.

LOTS of holes!  Once all the holes are reamed out to 4mm (sides are done already) then it will finally be time to use the various Sika chemicals (cleaners, primers and Sikaflex) and riveting (all 4mm x 10) to permanently put it in place.  Since I won't have my help again until next weekend, I'll use the week to work on other pending items.

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