Saturday, September 15, 2018

4 hrs. on the canopy.

First holes drilled...

Using a 3.2mm drill bit I drilled out all the holes (this size was fine since I'll be up-sizing them to 4mm with a reamer).

Using my carjack and 2x4 to push up the rear side (top was already done)...

... further and further over (there was a limit though to how far I could do this of course).

Lots of holes to drill going over the rear.

With the holes drilled it was time to get the backing strips in place.  It needs to have a piece cut out to accommodate the parachute cable.

Section cut out.

And in place.  Not sure how I'll be able to get something in there to strengthen the rivet coming through behind the cable.  Maybe a washer.

Starting to tape things up so the evil Sikaflex doesn't spread over everything... ;-)  Not obvious in this photo, but the bottom edge of the tape is perfectly aligned with the top of the skin.

All the side holes are up-sized to 4mm (using those because you need a length of 10mm) to get through all the layers.  Will work on the rear holes tomorrow.

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