Sunday, November 4, 2018

3 hrs. mostly on the dash.

The right side without it being pushed to line up with the canopy

Pushed into place and you can see the hole locations change.

Time to make some brackets to pull the sides together.

Some quick Google'ing taught me a good knot for this is a Double Fisherman's Knot.  This worked well.

Now to make sure that the top of the dash sides is 20mm above the interior skin. EDIT: This is likely the wrong vertical positioning.  See posts after this for the correct positioning.

Also make sure the dash sides are pushed up against the canopy lip.  While I held it in position I drilled the first two holes (3.2mm) and reamed them out with my chucking reamer (size for 4mm rivets) and then cleco'ed them.

Same on the other side.

Note that despite making sure everything everything was lined up against the canopy and the proper vertical position I found that the center hole of the dash was slightly off-center of the fuselage.  I think if I tried to get that centered it would have resulted in one side being well off the canopy lip and that's visible, whereas the center rivet of the dash will not be.

And this lines up too, so I think my positioning is as perfect as could be expected.

Does the dash go under the throttle assembly?  Tight fit if so.  Trying to put the dash on top of it seems impossible though.  I'll check some factory photos.


It was time for my periodic workshop cleaning.  Makes me more ready to tackle the next tasks.

One of which was to shorten the center console back cover which was a bit long and difficult to fit.  First I had to peel off the leather.

With a bit more than a 1/8" sawed off I glued the leather back down.  Should be much better.

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