Saturday, November 3, 2018

4 hrs. on the dash/panel.

So, it turns out that the tape I put down yesterday was the wrong stuff...  This is the right stuff.  A friend brought over 3M brand Very High Bond (VHB) tape, so I just used that instead of the no-name generic you see here (though I'm sure it would have been fine).

Tape on and time to drill the holes.  10mm from the edge and 100mm apart. 17 holes: 1 in the middle and 8 on each side.

The painter's tape is there to keep the covering on the double-sided tape since I don't want it to bond to the fuselage yet.  Here the holes are drilled (#30 bit, which is smaller than the final size.  I'll use a chucking reamer bit to do that when it's ready to be installed).

Kerry was over to help with putting the panel back into the dash and the dash on the plane.  I'll drill the holes through and cleco the dash down (after I've made sure it is positioned perfectly), but I will definitely not be riveting it in place until all the firewall work is done (including all the wires and other stuff that has to go through).  I will leave it in a state where it's just a few minutes to pull it back off to do that work.

I like it!

It's a LONG way from the dash to the firewall...  When the dash is finally installed I will have to connect the panel's grounds to the grounding block on the firewall.  I have no idea how I'm going to do that.  If the stick weren't there I could fairly easily lie on my back, but with that in the way it looks difficult to get in that position.  How have others done this??

Well, I really wanted to see it powered up in place, so I just tied together all the grounds, plugged the connectors into the VPX box and connected both of those to the power supply I have.  Nice!

A quick video tour:

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