Saturday, December 29, 2018

3 hrs. misc.

Spent a chunk of that time talking to Steve from Aircraft Specialty discussing my brake lines because I still had a question as to a particular fitting.  After talking to him I may revamp it so that it's SS braid all the way to the reservoir.  If it's all the same it makes it much simpler.  Stay tuned.

No photos today as I just made the new wire bundle for my right seat and routed that through.  Other than that I also removed the current brake line Tee in anticipation of re-doing it.

I've been going through my set of Tony Bingelis books (he was the dean of aircraft home-building for decades) and came across this good tidbit.  I'll do this for all my non-insulated terminal connections for sure.  I was planning to do the heat shrink, but hadn't considered the soldering part.

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