Wednesday, December 26, 2018

I spoke to Steve (the owner) at Aircraft Specialty (highly recommended!), the company that made my SS brake lines and he was super helpful in explaining the tightening and sealing (or not) of the various fittings in my brake system.  He also simplified my brake system a bit by taking out the coupling (he did recommend going all SS braid, but I'll stick to the plastic tubing up to the hand brake for now).  I'll post an annotated picture of the updated arrangement once I get back to that in a few days (some parts on order).

He sent this guide to tightening the flared type fittings on the end of their hoses (no thread sealant of any sort on these types of connections!).

For the Tapered NPT connections like the threads of the Matco calipers a local friend sent this (the photo below shows a fitting that has Tapered NPT threads on the left side and a flared fitting on the right):

For Tapered NPT threads you can put Loctite 567 (Matco recommendation)(Also, leave the first 2 threads clear of any Loctite), but no tape (no tape anywhere for that matter).  Also, they should not be over-tightened (I didn't know this, hence why I stripped my fitting...).

So, in the photo of the fitting, the left side would have Loctite, but the right would not.

Thanks Steve and thanks to my local Sonex builder friend MikeS for your help with this!!  Very much appreciated!!

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