Sunday, February 17, 2019

1.5 hrs. gluing...

Definitely a different kind of glue than Barge.  I think Barge is best for doing leather work as it ensures full positive contact (maybe that's why they call it contact cement? 🤓), but for the carpeting I think this type of glue works better (or at least won't kill you...).  I just ran beads as shown and then spread it out, ensuring it went to the edges.

Worked great!  The Gorilla brand of this type of glue sets up faster than other brands so I think it works particularly well for this use.

Another piece.  Very easy and no nasty distillates.

I did these 4 pieces which go under the front seats and one side of the center channel.  I'll see how it all worked out tomorrow and continue with other pieces.

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