Monday, February 18, 2019

3 hrs. on the interior.

I have a WiFi cam in my garage so I can look at the plane any time I want.  From anywhere.  I like that. 😎

The Gorilla Construction Adhesive is a total success.  That carpet is not coming off.

Time to work on the carpet for the rear seat upright.  Measure twice, cut once...  Marking off the cutout for the center channel.

Cut once... 🤓

My growing collection of trimmings...  Keep those separate from the many other pieces still to be put in...

Leaving space for the center channel cover.  It doesn't look it, but that's straight across.. 🤓

A little blurry, but it fits just right.

Gorilla smeared on and ready to go.

In place and the bench is perfect for holding down the fold on top.

Looking good.

Another view.

Looks like some more trimming...

And in place!  The fit with the outer edge isn't critical since I'll be putting soundproofing and carpeting there, so it will be covered up.

Looking more and more comfortable.

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