Friday, February 15, 2019

2 hrs. on carpeting.

Velcro cut into 3 segments for this edge.

When I looked at this again it quickly became clear that the carpeting goes over the cover not under it.  Which is easier because I don't need to drill holes in the carpeting.

Before I finish this edge I want to put the carpeting on the cover to see how that fits.

Both rear floor pieces done (other than the front edges).

So I'm guessing this needs to be cut back to accommodate the rear seat attachment via the Dzus.  Right?

I stand corrected...  The larger covers I have do fit the luggage floor inspection holes.  Don't know why I didn't think so, but a quick check showed they fit perfectly.

In 20 minutes I had all 16 M3 rivnuts inserted.

And the covers fit nicely.

So, I don't see this in the manual.  Before I break my back trying, does this fit in front around the rudder pedals?  Seems like it, but I'm hoping the blog-o-sphere could confirm for me?  Help from the Land Down Under? 😎

This seems to match.

Tossing in various pieces that seem to fit those locations.  The long piece goes on the vertical part of the rear seat support structure.  Tomorrow I'll start trimming and gluing....

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