Saturday, February 16, 2019

3.5 hrs. on the interior.

All the Velcro tape down in the luggage compartment.

Then all the matching pieces applied to the carpet.

It's in!  I drilled the holes for the tie downs and screwed them in.  I believe it makes sense to leave the extra carpet at the front edge as it seems that will curl up and lie up against the rear seat.

Ah, now I know where those 4 small pieces go!

Starting the trimming process....

I feel like a tailor... 🤓

No need to cover those holes as this area will be covered over by the rear floor carpet.

Trim, trim, trim...

Trim, trim, trim... 😎

My trusty Barge applied to both surfaces and wait a minimum of 5 minutes...  NOTE: Use a Mask When Using Any Strong Adhesive Like Barge.  Nasty stuff....

Small pieces on...

And then the large piece on.  A bit tricky to get straight on since it wants to stick....

Looks great!  I'll drill the necessary mounting holes tomorrow after the glue is dry.

While the Barge isn't difficult to use I wanted to try this other adhesive I have.  I used it on the right side of the same cover as above.  Long story short, I prefer the Barge.  This stuff came out stringy and it really wasn't any easier to use.

Other side in.

Now to do the center channel cover.  Easier and way quicker to just spill the Barge on the material and spread it with a brush.  Next time I'll use a bigger brush.

Both sides done and the wait for 5 minutes (you can actually wait up to 4 hours according to the directions so there's no hurry to get it on).

On and ready to trim the sides.


Nice!  Tomorrow I'll put on the side pieces of the center channel and the large piece for the front of the rear seat support.  Question: Does that piece fold up on top of the support?

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