Monday, March 11, 2019

1 hr. on the interior (I wanted to do 1.5 hrs, but I can only fold up my body and fit into the luggage compartment for an hour at a time...).

Smiling at the beginning....  Not so much after an hour....

Doing the 3rd surface for the stringers wasn't as hard as I thought it might be.  The Gorilla worked well!

Creative use of a ruler...

Letting it set for at least 15 minutes seemed to be sufficient.

Working on the other side.

Reaching the limit of my body-folding time I did a test fit and slight trim of one of the larger pieces.  Hoping to make a lot of progress tomorrow night and fit a few of those pieces.  Meanwhile, I bought some conduit to put around those wires.  Maybe I'll fabricate something to put around the backs of those connectors too.

Crosby this morning. 😊

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