Sunday, March 10, 2019

3 hrs. on the interior.

Well, despite my best hopes, the toluene-free Barge doesn't seem as good as the nasty stuff.  Despite scrubbing the aluminum is just wouldn't stick to it.  So, at the suggestion of a friend I decided to go back to the Gorilla Construction Adhesive and just stick one surface at a time.  Here's one stringer with just the top glued down.  I waited at least 20 minutes before bending it around and doing the next surface (see the photo a few down).

Other stringers and the bottom piece, one surface glued.


Using strips of thin wood and some spring clamps the second surface is held down.

Here's what I was doing yesterday instead of building. 😎  Good time skiing at Mt. Snow in Vermont with my younger daughter.

Excellent conditions and very nice views. 🌞

And here's a video of something that I hope to do someday in my Sling.  Up in New Hampshire there is an airport that is a seaplane base in the summer, but in the winter the frozen lake has a runway cleared.  It's the only ice runway in the lower 48 states.  Hope you don't mind me posting this Micheal. 😁

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