Tuesday, June 25, 2019

1 hr. looking into the cabin heat shroud assembly.  Also trying to come up with a more detailed engine install task list.  Stay tuned for that.

Are these the same parts?  I don't see any parts in my inventory labeled AC-TUB-001-X-X.  The part in my hand seems to be the right one though.

Gathering parts...

Like this...  Note that you cannot put those connector tubes on before installing it around the exhaust because you wouldn't be able to get it around the exhaust.

The manual doesn't indicate the clamp part number, but these look like the right ones, right?

I suppose I can mark the inside of the shroud where the clamp holes are to drill the shroud.

Either I have to un-clamp the exhaust to get the large shroud clamps on, or this is one of those brain teasers....  Un-clamp the exhaust?

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