Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I've found the info on the proper tensioning of the external alternator belt in the 914 Maintenance Manual:

Now I just need to find the proper tool for doing this.  There are inexpensive belt tension gauges, but most of them seem to only be calibrated for applying 10ftlb of force.  Still searching...


  1. Hi,
    I am puzzled here.
    50N expresses a force (enough to lift a ~5.1Kg mass on earth), whereas 37ft.lb looks like a torque...
    does the manual suggests that the belt should deviate by 6mm, should you apply 50N transversally on the middle of the segment?
    in any case, you can generate quite precisely 50N by attaching a string to 5.1Kg suspended (1.35 Gallon of water) and attaching the string to the belt (with appropriate protection to not damage the belt), using a pulley if you need to arrive with an angle, like it seems to be the case in the drawing.
    Gael (...physicist)

    1. Yeah, the diagram is clearly wrong. It should be 50 Newtons = 11.24 Pounds. Torque makes no sense. I'll just use a fish scale or something to pull on it with about 11 lbs of force and measure the deviation. Probably do with a bit less than 6 mm since it will loosen a bit pretty quickly after running it.
