Monday, June 24, 2019

Just briefly in the garage tonight to check something.

I asked the factory how they check whether the external alternator's belt is properly tensioned and they said that the belt should be able to be twisted 90 degrees.  No more and no less.  Well....  Either I'm a weakling, the guys at the factory are superhuman or that's not really how it's checked...  I could not twist the belt much more than 30 degrees and that was when it was loose...

A more traditional method is to use a deflection-type gauge, so I'm going to look further into that.  Maybe I'm overthinking this?....

Most of the night was at a special private tour for my EAA Chapter 196, of the newly expanded Collings Foundation, which is conveniently only 15 minutes from my house.  They have a whole new museum building featuring armament of the various wars.

Big new museum!  This is just a portion of the new building.

This is in the original building where most of their aircraft are located.

Good to know that Stow, MA is ably protected by a Scud missile. ;-)

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