Thursday, June 6, 2019

1.5 hr on the firewall and fuel pump assembly.

Thank g-d for these bits, which made short order....

...of the striped hex head screw (have I mentioned...).  Took it off in seconds.

And replaced it with a longer Philips head screw.

30mm M4 screw with a lock washer, regular washer and the stand off I used.

Replaced the other one too...

Since I had all the proper clamps I started working on the fuel pump assembly.  Have to have all the clamps in place of course before you push on the hoses...

Made sure to measure all the distances to the barbs since you want to put the clamp right behind it in the flat.

With the bypasses pushed on the hose for the fuel intake on the right is coming up short.  Trying to force it only caused the assembly to be warped and we don't want that.  I'll have to study the factory photo again to get what it should look like.  Likely need a longer intake hose.  I'll try again on Saturday.

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