Friday, June 7, 2019

2 hrs. on the fuel pumps and starting to prep the garage for the big weekend...

Figuring out the required length of the inlet hoses.  Note that it seems my left pump (the main) is lower than the right (the manual shows the opposite, but factory photos show them lined up), but I don't think that matters.  As long as it hangs together you should be fine.

Longer inlet hoses cut and connected to the pumps.  Clamps in place....  Make sure your arrows are pointing as spec'ed in the manual:  Fitting and pump on left pointing down and fitting and pump on the right pointing up.

...hoses pushed on to the fittings.  Then I crimped and tightened all the clamps.

And a check on the firewall shows it's well clear of the bottom, so we're good!

Labeled the pumps and they're all set for pressure testing (which I'll do after the engine is mounted).

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