Saturday, June 8, 2019

3 hrs. on the firewall and 1 on the shop preparing it for the engine mounting.

I figure it's better to get the throttle cables (and the split pass-through that's required) done now.  With the help of my wife keeping them lined up on the front, it wasn't too hard to thread the nut.

Both sides done.

Making sure everything is labeled....

Umm, there should be 8 cup washers... But, the package only had 7.... 🤔  Hopefully they have one in CA.  Looks like I won't be able to torque the nuts since you need to do them in unison.  But, I do need to shorten the bolts from 130 to 122mm.

Fun to make sparks! 😁

I'm still mounting the engine tomorrow so I'll put in the rubber mounts.  Hard to see here, but there's a large screwdriver I'm using to carefully push them in.

Also pulled on the screwdriver like this to help get them in.  Also used a rawhide mallet to urge them in...

All in!

The ridiculously massive engine hoist I'm renting..

Kerry was over to help pick up the hoist and move the plane.  Need to make room for the engine!

In place and ready to receive the engine tomorrow.  😎

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