Sunday, June 9, 2019

3 hrs. on the engine install and 2 hrs. cleaning and starting to organize the shop.

Tried to capture how I threaded the strap in the back.  Need to make sure that when the straps are attached over the center of the engine, that nothing movable has pressure on it.

Ready to lift!

And it's up!  Removed the supports under the engine at this point.

Getting it into place.  I'm sure that hoist didn't think it was holding anything. 😁

 Pulled the plane up to meet the engine and kept adjusting the hoist height to get things lined up.

Getting bolted (M10-sized nuts are temporary since I need to wait for a cup washer before putting on the lock nuts and torquing).

And she hangs! 😁😁

The lower bolts go backward.

Lower nut side don't get washers (temporary M10 nut for now).

BobZ says that the position of this inlet will need to be changed and he suggested to put the hose on and clamp while it's off the engine.  Thanks Bob!


Time to do a deep clean of the shop and start organizing to prep for the next steps.

Starting to gather and organize the parts on various tables.


  1. So I'm guessing those bottom bolts will need to be cotter-pinned then?

    1. The manual doesn't specify doing that and the supplied bolts don't have a hole for that in any case. The nuts are lock-type and there's no rotation involved, so I think it's fine.
