Thursday, June 27, 2019

An hour tonight fiddling with the exhaust shroud.  Got some good advice to not rivet on the inlet pipe until the bottom cowling is in place because it makes an already difficult job more difficult.  I'll put that info in my FF Build Order Page (not published yet).

Trying to figure out how to drill out the holes in the clamp...

After contemplating it for awhile I think these edges need to line up so it can be tightened without interference once it's on.

I think I'll work my way around from that edge...

But, I do want to make sure that when I get all the way around the holes the AN4 bolt goes through will be perfectly lined up.  I found one of the clamp's holes was a bit small for an AN4 bolts so I spent way too long trying to ream it to easily fit the bolt...

...After 20 minutes I quit for the night and will take it up tomorrow or Saturday.

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