Saturday, June 29, 2019

2 hrs. on the exhaust shroud.

I finally just used a 6.5mm drill bit to drill out the bolt holes to allow the AN4 bolt to go easily through.  All clamped and a doubled tie wrap on the other end to keep things lined up straight.

The clamp part itself is pretty thick material so it's slow going...

Constantly moving the orange clamps as I go and double-checking the alignment since the clamp part can move a bit if you're not careful.

Using a center punch helps to keep the drill bit from wandering.

Making my way around...

One side all done.

Drawing some marks so I'll know which clamp goes on which end of the shroud.

Time to do the other end...

Lining up the clamp like the other end was.

Both sides done!

I heard through the grapevine (thanks Simon!) that a small modification should be done to this tab.  The tab is supposed to cause the incoming air to go around the exhaust the long way (to obviously heat it up), but it's a bit short so some can short cut to the outlet, so it doesn't get heated as well.

A thick piece of aluminum 4.5" x .75" should do just fine...

...With a little bend on one edge.  It'll fit like this with 4 rivets - to be done tomorrow...

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