Sunday, June 30, 2019

1.5 hrs. on the exhaust shroud.

Drilled 4 holes in the extension piece I fabricated.  I'll figure out where to drill the holes in the piece I'm attaching to once it's clamped in place because I want to make sure it's securely up against the exhaust.

Good time to make the outlet assembly.  Tracing where to bend the flat piece (whatever that's called...).

Where to bend.

Used a needle nose to start the bend (easier to get in there) and then switched to regular pliers.

That'll do.

Won't be riveting this on now, but just checking the fit.

I'm sure some people can figure out how to precisely figure out where to drill the holes, but I just roughly estimated.

Holes drilled.

Some slight adjustments and it fits just fine.

Riveted the tube to the plate and re-checked the fit.  Again, that'll do (but, don't rivet it to the shroud...).

Inside view.  All those spaces I will fill with my high-temp sealant.

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