Monday, July 1, 2019

1 hr. on the exhaust shroud (which seems to be taking too long...).

One last desperate attempt to see if I can get the clamps on without taking the bracket (and mount bolt) off...  If the clamp were more flexible, it would work... But, alas, it is too stiff, so off the bracket comes...

Bracket off and sliding on the partially cleco'ed assembly (you can't get it on if it's all cleco'ed).

That's the gap you're trying to fill.

The shroud seems to be a bit wide for the space available, but if the far end of the shroud in this photo rides on the weld, then it fits.

It was near impossible to try and position it while around the exhaust so I just did it on the bench.

Drilled out and ready to rivet.  I don't have a pic, but I riveted it after this photo.  You can see I did some more trimming to get the fit just right.  I'm sure I violated some edge rules with those rivet holes, but I'm not too concerned this will ever loosen with 4 rivets on this small piece.

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