Friday, July 12, 2019

1 hr. on the fuel lines.. Until I was stumped again.

Since I got the sealing washer I needed to do the banjo bolt and new nipple change on the fuel regulator, it was time to set my torque wrench to 133 in-lbs (15 Nm).

Washer on, torqued and torque sealed.

As advised by the factory I took off the return line banjo bolt and crimped the clamp.

Also torqued to the same value and torque sealed.

Hmm... Putting on the supplied firesleeve seems impossible....  No more than 8 inches or so and the cumulative friction makes it impossible to push it more.  The sleeve is about 30" long, so coming from the short end wasn't going to work either.  Wrong size?  Something I can safely use to lubricate just enough to slide it on?  Stumped for now on this....

The 8mm (5/16") ID fuel line is 15mm (a bit less than 5/8") OD.  Is this firesleeve the right size?  Time to ask Mr. Google and the factory (though it's now nearly the weekend in SA).

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