Saturday, July 13, 2019

2 hrs. on the fuel system.

Thanks to PeterC in Australia for the tip from the factory on how to put on the firesleeve!    Clamp off one end and using a compressor with a simple nipple tip to blow air into the other end between the hose and the firesleeve.  That inflates the firesleeve and you can slide it on with relative ease.  It helped to have my wife to push in the hose while I applied the air hose.

I used the larger size safety wire for the clamps this time.

And you need more than you think to do a clamp...

Using the Clamptite tool to put on the clamps.  I made a video to see how to use this tool.

Using a Clamptite tool.

Works well!

All on and routed through the firewall.

View on top.

Tied them together with a long zip tie and short piece of the fuel hose.

In order to size the other hoses I'll temporarily put on the fuel pumps (still need a new manifold to fix a leak).  Let's see if I can get two clamps on...

Well, that wasn't too bad.

But...  Can't get the second clamp past the first one...  Hmm...  Need a different approach...  One large clamp and a couple of metal zip ties?

Well, ones on....  But, then I realized that I couldn't screw the mount to the firewall because the pumps were in the way...  Back off they come and I'll try the different approach tomorrow...

Earlier in the day I went to a BBQ of the Aero Club on New England (I'm a member), which having been formed in 1907, is the oldest aeronautical club in all of the Americas!

And for your viewing pleasure, this is a lily from my front yard.

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