Monday, July 15, 2019

3.5 hrs. on the fuel lines (work was done yesterday - you'll see below why I didn't post this update until today).

Until I get a larger clamp this will do to temporarily hold the pumps in place.

That works (for now).

Mom helping me put firesleeve on! 😁  Being a knitter for nearly 80 years, she's pretty darn dexterous!

Ready to crimp.

Crimped and firesleeve in place.

And wire-clamped.  This is line from the pumps to the fuel regulator.

Silicone tape on the end.

Using a claw-thingy on my torque wrench to torque the banjo bolt.

These are the claw-thingies. 😎

A little tight to get in there, but I got it done.

In place!

Another spacer on the way down to the pumps.  Need to keep things away from the space above the nose wheel spring since that can come up.

Routing it down...  The other fuel line is temporarily held up with a zip tie.

Locating where the gascolator will be.

Mom took a picture of me. 😁

Where I was last night.  Red Sox vs. Los Angeles Dodgers.  We left at 11 PM (4 hours...) when it was tied in the 9th inning....  Checked this morning and saw that they lost in the 12th inning when the Dodgers scored 3 runs.

Taken before the game started.  Do you really need 10 people to hose down the infield??  I like how the head-hoser has a blue shirt and all the rest are red.  Must take years of experience to make it to head-hoser! 😂

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