Tuesday, July 16, 2019

2 hrs. mostly sweating profusely in my garage...

About here looks right (as compared to the factory photos).

Putting the large clamp around the gascolator.  I did have to bend the closer tab out to line up better with the other tab.  BTW, what gets inserted in that top opening (the red plug).  I'd assume some aluminum plug fitting?

Hmm, the spacer is too long (not tight around the gascolator and not enough threads visible on the bolt).  I cut off 8mm and that worked well.

The manual says the gascolator inlet is on the right and outlet on the left, but that doesn't make sense to me since that means your lines would need to cross (not that that matters all that much, but still).  The outlet goes to the pump right above and the inlet goes to through the firewall a bit further left.

Since the turn is tight to get to the pump I figured I'd use the super-flex line I bought from Aircraft Spruce... Yes, it can turn a bit tighter, but because the walls are definitely thinner it was more easily kinked and I didn't like that possibility.  Especially because it would have firesleeve on it and I couldn't easily see if it was kinking (I tried it).  So, back to the supplied hose.

This routing seems to work well (zip tie is temporary).  I need to find out from the factory if they use Oeitker clamps on the gascolator because, for at least the outlet, it will be hard to crimp.

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