Friday, July 19, 2019

1.5 hrs. on the oil system.

Since I'm waiting for the fuel pump manifold I started to look at the oil system.

This fits, but it doesn't look like what's in the manual or the factory photos...  I can't seem to find any parts that look like the factory photo parts for these fittings.  Hmm...

It says 5/16" ID hose, but I don't think that can be right.  1 - That's smaller than what the Rotax manual says is acceptable and 2 - Size 22 OET clamps would be way too big for 5/16" hose.  I think it's the larger hose I have, but I'll confirm.

The manual spec.  Bigger than 5/16".

Oil thermostat assembly.

The holes need to be enlarged (at least they did for me). 6mm drill bit for these two holes and 6.5mm bit for the 4 side holes.

Tightened it all up...


...But, a bit premature on those rubber mounts....  They need to be a bit loose to screw into the engine holes.

I think these are the necessary fittings.  The manual doesn't say what goes where on this.  But, I'm hoping there's a 4 at Oshkosh and I can take lots of photos with more detail than the factory photos.

My wife made this from our backyard raspberries and some homemade whip cream... Delicious.

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