Sunday, July 21, 2019

3 hrs. yesterday on misc.

This banjo fitting had to be swapped in for the plug that was there.  Won't torque it until I'm sure of the orientation.

Finally got around to organizing my clamps..

When I upholstered the luggage compartment I had forgotten that the channel that covers the parachute compartment has to come off to install the parachute.  Fortunately it came off easily.

Since I've got some missing fittings and lots of questions, both of which I'm hoping to resolve at Oshkosh, I'm trying to work on things other than the engine.  I'll paint and install this strip which gets screwed into the fiberglass of the canopy.

These seem to match what's in the manual, but I only have 3 sets, when it appears I need 4.  Hmm...

But, they also fit here and the new Tsi/4 manual for the firewall forward seems to show these types of fittings as opposed to the kind shown in the older 4 manual.  One of my many questions....

Kerry was over helping out and did the circuit work for this stuff.  Almost done.


  1. Ouch! sorry to hear about your hand. I hope it heals up quickly! I noticed you crimped and soldered a crimp. In a previous life the technicians I worked with always said that was a big no no. I can't recall exactly what their reasoning was, but I did a quick google search and came up with this:*and*-solder-a-crimp-connector-good-bad/

    Not sure if it's really a big issue, but thought I'd mention it just in case.

    It's great to see your build coming along!


    1. Oops, looks like I posted this on the wrong blog post. sorry.
