Monday, July 22, 2019

4 hrs. on misc.  Would have been longer... well, you'll see why it wasn't below....

This rib has been outside my house (~25 miles as the crow flies from the Atlantic Ocean) for over a year and despite enduring wet dirt, torrential rain, howling wind, blazing sun and piled on snow for weeks at a time...  It shows no sign of corrosion.  The left side has brushed on Cortec-373 and the right side is bare.  It all looks pretty good!  6061-T6 is a great alloy!

Working on the internal alternator connectors.  Crimped and soldered - going nowhere!

All in.

Connections labeled....

Standoff superglued in place... An attempt the other day to do it without gluing it failed miserably (meaning I was sweaty and miserable trying to find the standoff under the cabin side of the firewall....).

After working on firewall stuff for awhile now, it was getting pretty messy again....

So it was again time to tidy up.  I feel much better! 😁

The light is super helpful when working in the cabin!

Power connection to the 22,000uF cap for the internal alt regulator.

It was way easier to put the connector on outside the cabin as it's a pretty snug fit.

While stepping down from my step stool when I was working in the cabin, I caught my foot on a loop of wire and fell...  With my head careening toward the floor I grabbed the side of the fuselage, which is, well, pretty darn sharp.  It sliced into my hand down to the tendons....  Pretty disturbing to see...  Ouch. That brought a premature end to my work session today (I took today and tomorrow off).


  1. Ouch! sorry to hear about your hand. I hope it heals up quickly! I noticed you crimped and soldered a crimp. In a previous life the technicians I worked with always said that was a big no no. I can't recall exactly what their reasoning was, but I did a quick google search and came up with this:*and*-solder-a-crimp-connector-good-bad/

    Not sure if it's really a big issue, but thought I'd mention it just in case.

    It's great to see your build coming along!


    1. Hi Brett, Thanks about the hand. Pretty healed up now... But, it sucked when it happened!
      I read about soldering uninsulated terminals in a Tony Bingelis book and that guy is considered the dean of aircraft homebuilding. You just solder the end of the wire, so it shouldn't affect the flexibility you want on the wire going into the crimp (which I think would be the objection). I think it's fine.
