Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Just did an hour today...  I need my hand to heal - gripped a tool and it became clear that I nicked my tendons.  Lesson: Don't grab on to plane parts that resemble pizza cutters... 😬

This is what I came up with to label small gauge wire.  Thin wooden "coffee stirrer" stick to stick the label on and then clear shrink tubing over that.  Won't move.

Put the last connection on the internal regulator relay.  I don't have the hand strength to put this on the firewall, so that will wait until I return from OSH.

Cut the 6 AWG wire for the ground connection between the sub-panel grounding block and the grounding bolt on the firewall.  Again, I don't have the hand strength to crimp those terminals, so I'll do it next week.

The factory confirmed that the manual is wrong about the oil hose ID size.  The manual says 5/16", but it's 12mm.  Maybe they shouldn't try doing metric to English conversions?...  This is the proper oil line hose.

My deep slice today.  I'm sure you were anxious to see it. 😁

Hope to see some of you at the Sling Ding Party Thursday at 5!!

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