Sunday, July 28, 2019

After traveling today (my return from Oshkosh!) I just managed 2 hrs.

I should have taken pictures with all the people I met at the show, but sadly I didn't take any!  All my pictures were of planes!  But, great seeing and meeting everyone!!  Some of the pictures I did take are below.

Crimped, soldered and heat shrink applied for the 6 AWG line from the grounding bolt on the firewall to the grounding block on the sub-panel (AKA top front rib).  The crimp is on the opposite side from the seam of the terminal.

This is the crimper I used, which was actually easier to use than I expected for crimping a terminal on 6 gauge wire.

It's not tied down yet (nothing is), but you can see the wire behind the rib.

Now that all the wires are in place, I put in the cap.  Putting in the relay will take help from a second person, so I'm holding off on that.

The new high-wing Sling TSi!!  Prototype flying this year and production expected later next year.  They expect to have the prototype at next year's Oshkosh.

The famous Draco!!

Ellen checking out the Sling TSi.

These guys put in the order for the 500th Sling and it was the high-wing!

DC-3 looking beautiful.

B-25 Mitchell.

And the final stop of the Oshkosh visit is to Leon's for some world class frozen custard.  Yum!

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