Sunday, July 7, 2019

4.5 hrs. on the fuel system.

Loctite 577 applied to the fuel pressure sensor.

And 8mm nipple fitting tightened on (about 2 turns after finger tight).

Pushing down the clamp...

And crimping it.  Back and forth a little bit at a time to keep it evenly clamped.

Notice that the photo in the manual is incorrect with a couple of fuel directions.  I've corrected it on the manual page on the right.  The left is the diagram in the Rotax installation manual.

It's not mentioned in the manual, but this is how you T in the fuel pressure sensor.  I found the banjo bolt and hose nipple for doing this in the kit, but not the extra sealing washer required.  I'll have to order that.  Item #42 here.

I loosened the bolt where I'll put the new nipple connector and you can see the type of special washer required.

Starting on the fuel selector.  577 applied...

Tightening the fittings...

Video of tightening an NPT-type fitting.

When I did this I realized I was supposed to put in the small M3 allen screws in those holes you see (I should read instructions more closely...).  No big deal though as it was easy enough to put them in.

Putting in and tightening the screws...

I was a bit baffled by the "use a puncher..." instruction, but I followed it exactly.


After I did that I saw that the other, already installed screws, had a similar mark.  So, I assume these are essentially "torque seals" to check whether they've turned.  Could it be something else?

Gathering the parts for the gascolator...

And using 577 I installed the two fittings in that.  Here are the 3 parts I've done yesterday and today.  Making progress...

Should the intake manifold be so close to the engine mount?

Closer view.  Seems like it could rub...

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