Monday, July 8, 2019

Quick half hour-ish on the fuel system.

Finishing up the fuel pressure sensor assembly.

Put on the fire sleeve and cleaned up the ends with the silicone tape.  The manual shows the fire sleeve wrapped with wire that's curled a particular way (that I'm not sure how to do).  As a matter of fact all the fire sleeve is "wire wrapped" that way.  I've tried Googling how to do that, to no avail.

Just waiting for the special sealing washer before I torque the banjo bolt.

For the return lines from the fuel selector I need to get the 1/4" (6mm) version of this 1/8" NPT fitting.  Not having much luck finding it...  Anybody?  Need two!  Pictured is the 5/16" (8mm) version.

Was in the North End of Boston last night.   Here's Paul Revere touching the top of a nearby church.  😁

An out-of-this-world pastry dessert in the North End.  This is called a Lobster Claw.  Mmm mmm.... 😎

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