Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Another quick half hour to try out my new toy.

This morning I ordered this Clamptite tool (thanks Pascal for the reminder that we saw this at Oshkosh!) and it arrived at my house just a few hours later!  Instant gratification!  There are cheaper versions of the tool (as low as $29), but those have just a small wingnut to turn and some people said it could be hard to turn.  So, I sprung for the best version. 😎

For this purpose I think thin wire is fine (I have thicker, but that seemed like overkill).  A pretty good length of wire is needed (they tell how to calculate how much you need, but I just winged it in this case).  Fold in half...

Loop it around once...

...and twice...  You can go more, but for this, two will do.

Tool in (loop end fits in the notch at the end of the tool) and loose wire goes over the lower pins, wraps around the upper pins and are twisted together at the ends.

Start twisting the top of the tool until it's reasonably tight and flip over.

Clip it about 1/4" from the loop and push down those loose ends.  Voila!  😁  Nice!

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