Thursday, August 8, 2019

2 hrs. on the fuel pumps.

Success!  Pressurized it to 28 psi, and brushed it everywhere there was a connection, both sides, multiple times.  Not a single growing bubble!  From my experience, if there's any leak at all, it will blow easily noticeable bubbles and there was not a hint. 😁

Test fitting the pumps onto the mount...  It will be tricky...

My solution to installing the cap with the power and ground wires.  Multiple strong pulls show no slippage at all.

For added security some heat shrink.

And the other one done.

The manual indicates to put some cushioning under the mount, and this is what I had.

Pre-loading the screws and Loctite....

...but with that lip there it's a major pain to try and turn those screws.  I'm going to take it back out and cut a notch so I can put a screwdriver straight onto the screw head.

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