Saturday, August 10, 2019

3 hrs. on the fuel system.

My tools and materials for the silver soldering have arrived!

The nozzle installed.

I decided to add another layer of rubber to keep the mount nice and isolated.

Notches cut and easily installed.  Yeah, the outside slots became open because of the notch cutting, but I wasn't too concerned since there was still the inside slots to keep things positioned.  I tightened down the mount screws (with medium Loctite), but not overly so as to not negate the effect of the cushioning.

Made sure to label the correct wires with Main vs. Aux.

In place and ready for tightening up.

Positioned and tightened.  No amount of pushing could move the pumps.

Good clearance.

Connecting the wiring to the main and aux.  Used a lock washer with the regular nuts and Loctite.

This clamp will work perfectly.  I thought about Oetiker clamps, but there's no way you can get in there to crimp them.

Positioning the clamp so it's perfectly in position.

Connected!!  I still need to tie down the wiring, but I'll get to that later.

Putting in the 6mm barbed fittings into the fuel flow sensor.  Loctite 577 on.  Hand tight and then 1.5 turns with a wrench (it was hard to get to 1.5).

Figuring out the positioning.  Not much room.

The big view. 😁

The sculpture I mentioned the other day.  About 40 years old and shows it.

Saw this cartoon today.  Love it.  😂

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