Sunday, August 11, 2019

2 hrs. today on the fuel system.

Cutting off the barbs for use in the fuel flow sensor assembly.  Pretty good job if I do say so myself. 😁

The tool of choice.

Smoothing out the cut.

OK, I've got all the parts...

Not much positioning room...  SimonK mentioned he took the line out to do this and that certainly makes sense as there's really no way to do it in place.

Marking where the clamp is so I know not to interfere with that.

Is this a problem?  Seems rather close to the mount... Hmm...  I should ask the factory about it.

The carb end of the fuel line.  Not sure yet how I'm going to loosen that nut.  No obvious room to get a wrench or socket in... Hmmm...

The 4 fuel filters I found.  Can't say I've seen a part labeled "Made in Israel".  That one seems to have the filter except it's white.

This is the assembly.  Can't say it seems super secure without any barbs.  Maybe I'll use two clamps for each connection... 😎

Labeling the fuel selector.  Example: "RLT" - Return Left Tank.

Goes about here...  Need to figure out how much to trim the lines from the engine.  Not too much and not too little...

I forgot to warm up (with hot water) the first line I tried.... So it was a bitch to push on.  With soaking for a few minutes in hot water - goes on really easy...  Still a pain to slide the Oetiker clamps down though...  Maybe a bit of engine oil to help it?  That should be ok for the hose since they're by definition impervious to oil/fuel, right?

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