Sunday, August 18, 2019

2 hrs. on the fuel system (work was yesterday).

Holding up the wiring so I can slide the fuel lines through.

Tricky to get it around the bend into the center channel, but using a screwdriver I was able to do it without much trouble.

Tight fit on the left side.

Wrapped the left side hoses with blue tape so I would make the right connections.

All hose through!

No, that's not engine oil on the filter, but the gasket material I mentioned the other day.

Filters connected.

Even using the right size clamps it's still hard to slide them into position.  But, several ounces of sweat later, everything was in place and clamped.

Jockeying the filters into their proper location.  This all will be finalized after the selector is place in the panel.

Another view.

Did a clean up and organizing (tools back in place) after the work today.  I need an organized work environment..

Ever notice this in your sink or bath tub?  It's a hydraulic jump!  I remember learning about it back in college in the Fluid Dynamics class.  We had to calculate the radius at which the jump would occur.  The professor for that class was a bit crazy (which meant the class was fun) - he demonstrated shock waves by exploding an M80 in class. 😎.  The class all reared back and covered their ears - he just stepped back a couple of feet and did not cover his ears (he barely flinched!).  I'm sure he must have been nearly deaf after a few demos of that...

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