Sunday, August 18, 2019

Just 1 hr on fuel line stuff and getting my hands dirty starting to think about the oil system....

As per the manual I tied the fuel feed/return lines together.  3 of them, with one close to the firewall.

How to get these close enough to be able to thread a nut on?....  They're stiff and springy so hard to hold together to do it.

Contemplating this very schematic diagram...  Lots of info missing...  And the 5/16" ID is incorrect.  It's 1/2" ID.  More info in the TSi manual, but I'm not sure what's different and what's the same.

Is this fitting replaced?

They specify 22mm OET clamps for this hose, but that seems way too big.

What's this for?

These seem like the correct parts..

Well, took this cap off to see what the fitting was... Turns out, that was a mistake... oil started spilling out...  Guess I should have known...  Didn't lose much.  Time to write the factory...

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